Promos & Rebates
All Brands
- Please select
- A.K.G.
- Ableton
- Access
- Acorn
- Adam
- Advance Music
- Aguilar Amplification
- Ahead
- Ahead Drumsticks
- Airturn
- Akai Professional
- Alabama
- Alesis
- Alfred Masterwork
- Alfred Music
- Allen & Heath
- Alpha
- AlphaTheta
- Alphonse Leduc
- Alto
- Alto Professional
- Alto-Pro (Orch Strings)
- Alvarez
- Alverez
- American DJ
- American Plating
- Ampeg
- Angel
- Antari
- Antelope
- Apogee Electronics
- Aquarian
- Aquila
- Arakoz
- Art & Lutherie
- Arturia
- Ashun Sound Machines ASM
- Aston
- Attack DrumHeads
- Audient
- Audio-Technica
- Audix
- Augustine
- Auralex
- Auratone
- Austrian Audio
- Avantone
- Avid
- Axis Percussion
- Bach
- Beat Buddy
- Beat Kangz Electronics
- BeaverCreek
- Berklee Press
- Beyer Dynamic
- Bigsby
- Black Arts Toneworks
- Black Lion Audio
- Black Mountain
- Blackstar
- Blue Microphones
- Boomwhackers
- Boss
- Boston Music Company
- Boucher
- Cable Lynx
- Cakewalk
- Casio
- Celestion
- Centerstream Publications
- Chant de mon pays
- Charvel
- Chauvet
- Cherry Lane Music
- Cherub
- Christian Morissette
- Cloud
- Conn-Selmer
- Conservatory Canada
- Contemporanea
- Cordoba
- Cort
- Craviotto
- Crown
- Crumar
- Cry Baby
- CryBaby
- Cymbolt
- Cympad
- D'Addario
- D'Addario Accessories
- D'Addario Strings
- D.B.X
- D.O.D
- Danelectro
- Danmar
- Darkglass
- De Haske
- Dean
- Dean Markley
- Death by Audio
- Deering
- Deering Banjo Company
- Denon DJ
- Dexibell
- Diago
- Digiflex
- DigiTech
- DiMarzio
- Dr Scientist
- DR Strings
- Dream
- Dunlop
- Dunnett
- DW
- DW Drums
- Dynaudio
- E-Magic
- EarthQuaker Devices
- Easton
- EBow
- Edition Peters
- Electro-Harmonix
- Electro-Voice
- Elixir
- Elixir Strings
- Empirical Labs
- Empress
- EMUS Music
- Engl
- Epiphone
- Ernie Ball
- Essential Elements
- Evans
- Evans Drumheads
- Eventide
- Faber Music
- Faber Piano Adventures
- Fat Cat
- Fender
- Fender Custom Shop
- Fish Circuits
- Fishman
- FJH Music Company Inc. (The)
- Flix
- Focal
- Focusrite
- Fortin
- Fostex
- Furman
- FXpansion
- G. Henle Publishers
- G. Schirmer, Inc.
- G7th
- G7th The Capo Company
- Gator
- GHS Strings
- Gibraltar
- Gibson
- Gibson Custom Shop
- Gig Solutions
- Godin
- Godlyke
- Gold
- Gold Tone
- Golden Age Project
- Gon Bops
- GoPro
- Gorg
- Gotoh
- Graphtech
- Gretsch
- Groove Tubes
- Grover
- Gruv Gear
- Guerilla Guitars
- Guild
- Hafler
- Hagstrom
- Hal Leonard
- Hammond
- Hartke
- HeadHunters
- Headrush
- Hendrix Drums
- Herco
- Hercules
- Hercules Stands
- Heritage Audio
- Hetman
- Hidersine
- Hofner
- Hohner
- Hosa
- Hotone
- Hudson Music
- Humes & Berg
- Ibanez
- IK Multimedia
- Ilio
- ISP Technologies
- Jackson
- Jamey Aebersold Jazz
- Jasmine
- Jay Turser
- JHS Pedals
- Jim Dunlop
- JJ Electronics
- Joyo
- Jupiter
- K & M
- Kala
- Kali Audio
- Kalmus Edition
- Keeley
- Kemper
- Kickport
- King
- Kirlin
- KJOS Master Composer Library
- Kluson
- Korg
- Koss
- KRK Systems
- Kun
- Kyser
- L.R. Baggs
- Labella
- Leblanc
- Lee Oskar
- Leem
- Levy's
- Line 6
- LIne6
- Littlite
- Los Cabos
- LP (Latin Percussion)
- Ludwig
- LudwigMasters
- Luna Guitars
- Luthier Music Corporation
- M-Audio
- Mackie
- Mahalo
- Manhasset Specialty Company
- Manley
- Mano Percussion
- Mark Bass
- Marq
- Marshall
- Martin (C.F. Martin & Co.)
- Mayfair
- Mayfly
- Meason
- Meinl
- MelBay
- Menzel
- Menzel Violins
- Mesa/Boogie
- Mighty Bright
- Mike Balter
- Miktek
- Mission
- Modern Drummer Publications
- Mogami
- Mono
- Moog
- Morley
- Multiac
- Music Man
- Music Sales America
- Music8
- Musicians Institute Press
- Musili Inc.
- N/A
- Native Instruments
- Neil A. Kjos Music Company
- Neumann
- Neural
- Neutrik
- Noise-Eez
- Nomad
- Nord
- Norman
- not_found_value
- Novation
- Numark
- Oasis
- Odyssey
- Omnibooks
- On-Stage
- Orange
- Ortega
- Oscar Schmidt
- Outlaw
- Ovation
- Overtone Labs
- Paiste
- Panyard
- Paul Reed Smith (PRS)
- PDP (Pacific Drums & Percussion) by DW
- Pearl
- Pearse
- Peavey
- PedalTrain
- Perri's
- Perri's Leather
- Peterson
- Phantom
- Pignose
- Pigtronix
- Ping
- Pioneer DJ
- Pirastro
- Planet
- Pork Pie Percussion
- Positive Grid
- Precision Hardware
- PreSonus
- Primacoustic
- Pro Co Sound
- Profile
- Promark
- PureSound
- Quik Lok
- Radial Engineering
- Rapco
- RB Percussion & Accessories
- RCM Publishing
- Real Books (The)
- Reloop
- Remo
- Reverend
- Rhythm Tech
- Rico
- Ricordi
- Roadie
- Roc'N Soc
- Rocktron
- Rode
- Rogers
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- Rotosound
- Royer
- Rubank Publications
- Ruby Tubes
- S.K.B.
- Sabian
- Samson
- Santorella Publications
- Savarez
- Schaller
- Schecter
- Scherl
- Schott Music
- Seagull
- Seiko
- Selmer
- Sennheiser
- Sequential
- Serato
- Seymour Duncan
- Shubb
- Shure
- Sigma
- Simon & Patrick
- Sinclair
- Singular Sound
- Sire
- SJC Drums
- Slug
- Snark
- Solutions
- Sonor
- Sony
- Soundbrenner
- Soundcraft
- SoundOff
- Source Audio
- Spectrasonics
- Squier
- Stageline
- Stedman
- Steinberg
- Stentor
- Sterisol
- Steve's Music Store
- Steve's Musirol+c Store
- stevesmusic-online
- Strap
- Strukture
- Strymon
- Summer School Electronics
- Supra
- Supro
- Suzuki
- Switchcraft
- Takamine
- Tama
- Tannoy
- Tascam
- Taylor
- Taylor Guitars
- Tech 21 NYC
- Ted Reed Publications
- Theodore Presser Company
- Thomastik
- Thomastik-Infeld
- Toca
- Tone King
- Tonebone
- Toontrack
- Tortex
- Tourte
- Trace Elliot
- TreeWorks Chimes
- Trick Drums
- Trophy
- Truth
- Tula
- Tung Sol
- Twisted Wood
- Two-Notes Audio Engineering
- Tycoon
- Ultra
- United
- Universal Audio
- Valencia Guitars
- Vandoren
- Vater
- Vic Firth
- Visual Sound
- Voodoo Lab
- Vox
- Waldorf Music
- Walrus Audio
- Walton
- Waltons
- Wampler
- Warm
- Warm Audio
- Washburn
- Way Huge by Dunlop
- WD Music
- Westbury
- Whirlwind
- Willis Music
- Wittner
- Wizdom Media
- Wylde Audio
- Xvive
- Yamaha
- Zildjian
- Zoom
- ZVex
- Steve's™
- Éditions Alphonse Leduc
- Éditions Durand
- Éditions Eschig
All Brands

Fender Custom Shop Limited Edition 70th Anniversary Stratocaster NOS Aged Bright Sapphire Metallic 💙
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#fender #fenderguitar #fenderguitars #fenderstratocaster #fenderstrat #strat #stratocaster #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #guitarlife #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #sapphire #fendercustomshop #customshop #Music #Musician #limitededition #musicstore #anniversary #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #70anniversary #blue #blueguitar #81888 #StevesMusic

PRS Guitars in stock now at Steves Music Downtown Montreal 😮
Guitares PRS en stock maintenant chez Steves Music Centre-ville de Montréal 😮
#prs #prsguitars #presguitar #paulreedsmith #guitaraddict #guitargear #prsguitarsusa #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #metal #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #guitarworld #guitarlove #PlayMusic #Music #Musician #guitaraddict #musicstore #paulreedsmithguitars #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #montreal #prsdisplay #downtownmontreal #StevesMusic

Digitech MonoNeon Signature Whammy Pedal ⚠️
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#digitech #whammy #whammypedal #guitarlife #guitaraddict #guitargear #mononeon #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #digitechwhammy #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #signature #guitarlove #PlayMusic #Music #Musician #digitechpedals #musicstore #mononeonbass #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #yellow #orange #84493 #StevesMusic

ESP LTD KH-V Kirk Hammett Signature Black Sparkle 🖤✨
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#esp #espguitar #espguitars #guitarlife #guitaraddict #guitargear #kirkhammett #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #metallicafamily #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #blacksparkle #guitarlove #PlayMusic #Music #Musician #metallica #musicstore #metallicafans #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #metallicaband #metallicaguitar #27184 #StevesMusic

Jackson Pro Series Randy Rhoads RRT5 Gloss Black 😮💨
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#jackson #jacksonusa #jacksonguitar #jacksonguitars #randyrhoads #jacksonpro #guitargear #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #guitarlife #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #guitarposts #ottawa #PlayMusic #Music #Musician #dollarddesormeaux #musicstore #jacksonproseries #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #musicstore #purpleguitar #yellowbevels #84194 #StevesMusic

Gretsch G9202 Honey Dipper Special Bell Bronze 🔥
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#gretsch #gretschguitars #gretschguitar #g9202 #gretschhoneydipper #roundneck #guitargear #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #guitarlife #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #guitarposts #padauk #honeydipper #Music #Musician #padaukfingerboard #musicstore #toronto #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #musicstore #bellbronze #newmodel #84439 #StevesMusic

ESP LTD SC-608 Baritone Signature Series Stephen Carpenter (Deftones) 8-String Red Sparkle 💥
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#esp #espguitars #espltd #sc608 #stephencarpenter #deftones #guitargear #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #guitarlife #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #guitarposts #deftonesband #baritone #Music #Musician #fenderstandardprecisionbass #musicstore #toronto #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #musicstore #redsparkle #stephencarpentersignature #92425 #StevesMusic

DW True-Cast Bronze 7x14” Snare 🤯
Édition Limitée - Only 100 models made!
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#dw #dwdrums #drumworkshop #truecast #dwtruecast #dwbronze #Drumming #MusicLover #montreal #bronze #dwsnare #bronzesnare #dwdrum #snareaddict #snare #DrumLover #Drumming #Drumshop #drum #drums #drummer #music #musician #Percussion #snaredrummer #drummersofinstagram #83867 #StevesMusic

Jackson X Series Randy Rhoads RRX24 Black w/ Yellow Bevels ⚠️
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#jackson #jacksonusa #jacksonguitar #jacksonguitars #randyrhoads #jacksonx #guitargear #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #guitarlife #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #guitarposts #ottawa #PlayMusic #Music #Musician #dollarddesormeaux #musicstore #blackandyellow #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #musicstore #purpleguitar #yellowbevels #84196 #StevesMusic
Fender Standard Stratocaster ‘Candy Cola’ 🎶
New Fender Standard Series Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#fender #fenderusa #fenderstandard #fenderstandardseries #strat #stratocaster #guitargear #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #guitarlife #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #guitarposts #standardstratocaster #standardtelecaster #Music #Musician #fenderstandardprecisionbass #musicstore #toronto #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #musicstore #candycola #newmodel #indonesia #StevesMusic

Fender Standard Series Available Now | Disponible Maintenant 🎸
#fender #fenderusa #fenderstandard #fenderstandardseries #strat #stratocaster #guitargear #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #guitarlife #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #guitarposts #standardstratocaster #standardtelecaster #Music #Musician #fenderstandardprecisionbass #musicstore #toronto #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #musicstore #purpleguitar #newmodel #indonesia #StevesMusic
Just Unboxed 📦‼️
DW Collectors Series 10/12/14/16/22/14x6.5” VLT 333 Sycamore Ziricote Inlay Limited Edition kit 🤯
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#dw #dwdrums #dwdrum #Snare #SnareDrum #DrumWorkshop #dwcollectors #sycamoreziricote #drum #dwlover #DrumSwag #SnareAddict #DrumLife #DrummersOfInstagram #drum #drummerlifestyle #drummerlife #DrumFam #Drumstagram #DrumsDaily #drumshop #drummerworld #Drums #Drummer #Music #Musician #Percussion #Instrument #83858 #StevesMusic

Jackson X Series Randy Rhoads RRX24 ‘Purple Metallic’ w/ Black Bevels 😈
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#jackson #jacksonusa #jacksonguitar #jacksonguitars #randyrhoads #jacksonx #guitargear #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #guitarlife #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #guitarposts #ottawa #PlayMusic #Music #Musician #dollarddesormeaux #musicstore #purplemetallic #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #musicstore #purpleguitar #toronto #32733 #StevesMusic

Fender Standard Stratocaster ‘Candy Cola’ 🍭🥤
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#fender #fenderstrat #fenderstratocaster #strat #stratocaster #standardstratocaster #guitargear #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #guitarlife #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #guitarposts #ottawa #PlayMusic #Music #Musician #dollarddesormeaux #musicstore #olympicwhite #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #musicstore #whiteguitar #maplefingerboard #84261 #StevesMusic

Honoured to have Mr.Jack White come by our Toronto store today! Have a great show tonight at @masseyhall 🤘
See you next time you’re in town!!
#stevesmusicstore #stevesmusicstoretoronto #whitestripes #masseyhall #masseyhalltoronto #toronto #canada

Fender Standard Stratocaster, Maple Fingerboard, ‘Olympic White’ 🏳️
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#fender #fenderstrat #fenderstratocaster #strat #stratocaster #standardstratocaster #guitargear #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #guitarlife #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #guitarposts #ottawa #PlayMusic #Music #Musician #dollarddesormeaux #musicstore #olympicwhite #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #musicstore #whiteguitar #maplefingerboard #84261 #StevesMusic

Fender American Professional II Stratocaster ‘3 Color Sunburst’ 🌅
Available Now at Steves Music Ottawa (280 Catherine)
#fender #fenderstrat #fenderstratocaster #fenderprofessionalii #fenderamericanprofessionalii #fenderap2 #guitargear #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #guitarlife #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #guitarposts #ottawa #PlayMusic #Music #Musician #musicstore #musicstore #ottawalife #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #ottawamusic #ottawamusicians #sunburst #12091 #StevesMusic

Some moving pictures of our Ottawa Locations new home at 280 Catherine st. 📦

Our buddy Phil is now officially our last client at the Rideau street Steve’s in Ottawa. Looking forward to seeing everyone at 280 Catherine Street 🤘
Notre ami Phil est officiellement notre dernier client chez Steve’s sur la rue Rideau à Ottawa. Nous avons hâte de tous vous voir au 280 rue Catherine 🤘

Tama Starclassic Walnut/Birch 10/12/14/16/22” Gloss Natural Tamo Ash 🤯⚜️
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#tama #tamadrum #tamadrums #tamastarclassic #starclassic #snare #Music #drum #Musician #Percussion #tamadrumsofficial #drumaddict #snaredrum #drumset #Drumming #Drumshop #DrumLife #DrummersOfInstagram #drummerworld #snaredrummer #DrumFam #Drumstagram #DrumsDaily #Drums #Drummer #Musician #Percussion #19466 #StevesMusic

MXR Rockman X100 Analog Tone Processor 🎛️
Précommander Maintenant | Preorder Now

Thats a wrap on @thenammshow 2025🤘
#namm #namm2025 #thenammshow

DW Collectors Series Horizontal Paduuk w/ Aluminum Center ply on display at @thenammshow 😮💨
Coming soon to @stevesdrumshop 👀
#namm #namm2025 #thenammshow #dw #dwdrums #stevesmusic

Some @thenammshow shots 📸🤘
#namm #namm2025 #thenammshow

Phenomenal packaging on these new colourful BOSS cables 🎨
Disponible en six couleurs inspirées des pédales BOSS iconiques!

EVH SA-126 Special QM Transparent Purple 😈
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#evh #evhguitars #evhguitar #evhgear #evhgearlive #evhsa126 #guitargear #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #guitarlife #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #guitarposts #transparentpurple #PlayMusic #Music #Musician #dollarddesormeaux #musicstore #evhwolfgang #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #evhead #purpleguitar #purple #49730 #StevesMusic

Gibson Gene Simmons G2 Thunderbird Silver Bass 💋
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#gibson #gibsonbass #kiss #kissband #genesimmons #genesimmonsbass #gibsonthunderbird #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #bassplayer #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #thunderbird #mahogany #PlayMusic #Music #Musician #toronto #musicstore #silver #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #montreal #bassaddict #20307 #StevesMusic

Fender 70e Anniversaire Ultra Stratocaster HSS ‘Amethyst’ 🔥
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#fender #fenderguitar #fenderguitars #fenderstratocaster #music #Instrument #MusicStore #MusicGear #fenderstrat #Montreal #Ottawa #Toronto #fenderultrastrat #fenderultrastratocaster #electricguitar #acousticguitar #stratocasters #70anniversary #guitarplayer #strat #shoplocal #guitarist #stratocaster #amethyst #guitarist #guitarplayer #fenderplayerseries #52322 #StevesMusic

New Ottawa location coming soon 🚨

Book Sale 📚

Wishing all of you the happiest of holidays and a healthy & prosperous new year!🎄
Our retail stores are closed on Dec. 25th. We re-open at 1pm on Dec 26th with the start of Boxing Week. See you all there!
Nous vous souhaitons à tous de joyeuses fêtes et une nouvelle année pleine de santé et de prospérité!🎄
Nos magasins sont fermés le 25 décembre. Nous rouvrirons à 13 heures le 26 décembre avec le début de la Boxing Week. Au plaisir de vous voir!

We are hiring at our Montreal store (St-Catherine Street) 🎙️🎧
Nous embauchons à notre magasin de Montréal (rue Sainte-Catherine) 🎧🎙️

Gibson Sonex-180 Custom early 1980s 🔥
Available at Steve’s Music DDO MTL
#gibson #gibsonguitars #used #usedguitars #music #Instrument #MusicStore #MusicGear #gibsonsonex180 #Montreal #Ottawa #Toronto #gibsoncustom #gibsoncustomshop #blackguitar #guitar #dollarddesormeaux #ddo #guitarplayer #westislandmontreal #previouslyowned #guitarist #usedguitar #guitarlover #guitarist #guitarplayer #sonex180 #95242 #StevesMusic

Today at Steve’s Toronto there is an exclusive giveaway of swag of the Bob Dylan biopic #acompleteunknown
Come down and check it out!!
@completeunknownfilm @bobdylan @searchlightpics @stevesmusicto
#stevesmusicstoretoronto #stevesmusicstore #searchlightpictures #bobdylan #bobdylanmovie #giveaway

Fender 70th Anniversary Vintera II Stratocaster Antigua 🔥
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#fender #fenderguitar #fenderguitars #fendervinteraii #music #Instrument #MusicStore #MusicGear #fenderstratocaster #Montreal #Ottawa #Toronto #strat #stratocaster #rosewood #guitar #vintera #fenderlover #guitarplayer #antigua #fender70 #guitarist #fendervintera #guitarlover #guitarist #guitarplayer #fenderplayerseries #52348 #stevesmusic

Holiday Hours | Horaires Des Fêtes 🎸🎄


We are going to be giving away one of our favorite new pedals on the market: @fishcircuits Model One 🔥
Comment and tag at least 1 friend below. We will randomly select a winner in 1 week!
Nous allons offrir l'une de nos nouvelles pédales préférées sur le marché : @fishcircuits Model One 🔥
Commentez et identiefiez au moins un ami ci-dessous, nous pigerons un gagnannt au hasard la semaine prochaine!
#giveaway #fishcircuits #madeinquebec #quebec #guitarpedal #guitarpedals #fishcircuitsmodelone #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #guitarlife #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #guitarplayer #acouticguitar #PlayMusic #Music #Musician #orange #musicstore #guitarpedal #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #acoustic #madeincanada #guitarpedals #18308 #StevesMusic

C'est toujours un plaisir de voir nos amis de @thisismonuments 🤘
Always fun to see our friends from @thisismonuments 🤘
#thisismonuments #monumnets #progressivemetal #montreal #djent #livemusic #mtl #guitar #tour #Musician #montrealevent #MusicGear #guitaramps #downpicking #mtlband #mtlcity #guitarlover #shoplocal #tourlife #montrealmusic #mtllife #live #guitarist #drums #metal #heavymetal #musicstore #montrealcity #StevesMusic

C'est toujours un plaisir de voir notre ami @carlos_araya73 de @anonymusmetal1 🤘
Always fun to see our buddy @carlos_araya73 from @anonymusmetal1 🤘
#anonymus #montrealperformer #mucisian #montreal #anonymusmontreal #livemusic #mtl #guitar #tour #Musician #drummerlife #MusicGear #guitaramps #thrashmetal #mtlband #mtlcity #guitarlover #shoplocal #tourlife #montrealmusic #mtllife #live #guitarist #drums #metal #heavymetal #musicstore #montrealcity #StevesMusic

Always fun to see our boys from @despisedicon 🤘
Catch them at @mtelusmontreal on stage at 9pm tonight.
Toujours amusant de voir nos amis de @despisedicon 🤘
Retrouvez-les à @mtelusmontreal sur scène à 21h ce soir.
#despisedicon #montrealperformer #mucisian #montreal #performer #livemusic #mtl #guitar #tour #Musician #drummerlife #MusicGear #guitaramps #rocknroll #mtlphoto #mtlcity #guitarlover #shoplocal #tourlife #montrealmusic #mtllife #live #guitarist #drums #rockandroll #mtl #musicstore #montrealcity #StevesMusic

RIP Gary Rossington of Lynyrd Skynyrd ☹️

RIP David Crosby 😞
Une autre légende musicale… 😞

RIP Robbie Bachman Canadian LEGEND

Jeff Beck #RIP


Our buddy @nick_folio stopped by before rippin’ it at @clubsodamtl with his band @badomensofficial 🤘
Notre ami @nick_folio est passé au magasin avant son spectacle @clubsodamtl avec son groupe @badomensofficial 🤘
#band #montrealperformer #badomens #vicfirth #badomensband #livemusic #mtl #metal #tour #Musician #drummerlife #MusicGear #guitaramps #zildjianfamily #mtlphoto #mtlcity #DrumLife #badomensofficial #tourlife #clubsoda #mtllife #badomensfamily #drummer #drums #mtlblogger #mtl #musicstore #montrealcity #zildjian #StevesMusic

Extremely sad to hear about Fleetwood Mac’s Christine McVie (1943-2022) 😔
Extrêmement triste d'apprendre le décès de Christine McVie (1943-2022) du groupe Fleetwood Mac 😔

Don’t be fooled by its size! Ne vous laissez pas berner par sa taille!
@fender Rumble 15 V3!
$139 CDN, En Stock!
#Fender #FenderAmp #FenderRumble #rumble15v3 #Guitar #guitaramp #Music #Musician #Instrument #Speaker #Loud #Compact #InStock #Montreal #Ottawa #Toronto #dollarddesormeaux #southshoremontreal #downtownmontreal #8619 #StevesMusic

*USED/USAGER*: SERIES A EL 3SC Red! $199 Canadian!
#Guitar #ElectricGuitar #SeriesA #Red #Montreal #Used #dollarddesormeaux #Music #Musician #Sale #Strings #StevesMusic

Ibanez RGA42 HP Sea Foam Green Matte 😧
neck type : Wizard IIIRoasted Maple neck
top/back/body: Nyatoh body
fretboard: Jatoba fretboardOff-set white dot inlay
fret: Jumbo frets
number of frets: 24
bridge : F106 bridge
string space: 10.5mm
neck pickup: DiMarzio® Fusion Edge (H) neck pickupPassive/Ceramic
bridge pickup: DiMarzio® Fusion Edge (H) bridge pickupPassive/Ceramic
factory tuning: 1E,2B,3G,4D,5A,6E
strings: D'Addario® EXL110
string gauge: .010/.013/.017/.026/.036/.046
hardware color: Gol
#Guitar #ElectricGuitar #Ibanez #ibanezrga #seafoamgreenmatte #Montreal #Toronto #Ontario #InStock #DollarsDesOrmeaux #Music #Musician #MusicGear #Strings #Wizard #JumboFrets #7130 #StevesMusic

@dwdrums Design Series 10/12/16/22/14 snare!! 🤤
#Drum #Drummer #DW #DWDrums #DesignSeries #Percussion #Maple #ShellKit #Instrument #InStock #Montreal #Quebec #DollardDesOrmeaux #37092 #StevesMusic

Did you know that Strymon Pedals, including the Big Sky are easily integrated into any keyboard set up?!
Saviez-vous que les pédales Strymon, incluant la Big Sky peuvent facilement être utilisés avec n'importe quel set up de clavier?
#stevesmusic #musicstore #magasindemusique #music #musique #montreal #toronto #ottawa #greenfieldpark #dollarddesormeaux #strymon #guitarpedals #keyboardpedals #guitareffects #keyboardeffects #8164

A treat for your eyes and ears!!! Come check out the @officialgretsch G6136T White Falcon Player Edition.
Du bonbon pour les yeux tout comme les oreilles!!! Venez voir la Gretsch G6136T White Falcon Players Edition.
#stevesmusic #musicstore #magasindemusique #music #musique #montreal #toronto #ottawa #greenfieldpark #dollarddesormeaux #guitar #guitare #electricguitar #guitareelectrique #gretsch #whitefalcon #hollowbodyguitar #hollowbody #rockabilly #amplifier #guitaramplifier #supro #suproamps

@dwdrums Performance Series 10/12/16/22 White Marine! 🤤
#DW #DWDrums #Music #Drum #Drummer #Musician #Percussion #Performance #Elite #WhiteMarine #BoxingDay #ShellKit #Instrument #inStock #DrumSet #4761 #StevesMusic

Did you know that you can now reserve products for in-store pickup? Simply select your store and click "Add to cart"!
Saviez-vous que vous pouvez maintenant réserver des produits pour le ramassage en magasin? Sélectionnez simplement votre succursale et cliquez sur « Ajouter»!
#StevesMusic #Music #Musician #Online #Curbside #Pickup #shoplocalonline #Guitar #Bass #Keyboard #Acoustic #Drums #Percussion #DJ #Mixer #SoundEngineering #Studio #Strings #Accessories #MusicGear

In honor of the Alabama College Football Championship last night; check out this Alabama ALB 10 5-String Student Banjo!
En l'honneur du championnat de football universitaire de l'Alabama hier soir; Découvrez ce banjo étudiant à 5 cordes Alabama ALB 10!
#StevesMusic #Banjo #Alabama #alabamacrimsontide #Strings #Guitar #Football #College #Championship #Acoustic #InStock #Student #38458

Our shops are open for Curbside pickup! Reserve online or call your Steves!
• St-Catherine, MTL
• Dollard-Des-Ormeaux, MTL
• Greenfield Park, MTL
• Queens Street, TORONTO
• Rideau Street, OTTAWA
Nos magasins sont ouverts au rammasage à la port! Réservez en ligne ou appelez vos Steves!
#StevesMusic #CurbsidePickup #Montreal #Open #dollarddesormeaux #greenfieldpark #stcatherines #DowntownMontreal #westislandmontreal #southshoremontreal #LocalBusiness #Reserve #curbside

🔥🐉Breathe fire with this Jimmy Page Dragon @fenderTele 🐉🔥 Now in stock!!!
🔥🐉Crachez du feu avec cette Telecaster Dragon Jimmy Page🐉🔥 Maintenant en stock!!!
#stevesmusic #musicstore #magasindemusique #music #musique #montreal #toronto #ottawa #greenfieldpark #dollarddesormeaux #fender #jimmypage #telecaster #tele #dragon #spitfire

IN STOCK/EN STOCK - @ludwigdrumshq 110th Anniversary Classic Maple Vintage Emerald Pearl
Series: 110th Anniversary
Drum Set Format Shell Pack
Bass Drum Size: 22x14
Tom Sizes: 13x9 16x16
Finish: Vintage Emerald Pearl
Shells: Maple
Hoops: Single Flanged
Hardware Color: Brass Plated
#Drum #Drummer #Music #Musician #Percussion #Instrument #musician #InStock #Green #Gold #Anniversary #ClassicMaple #Vintage #EmeraldPearl #Sick #StevesMusic