Theory Notebook - Level 1

$10.13 $13.50
Steve's Code: H301
Barcode: 9781585607525


The Industry Standard Music Theory Series is back, newly updated to the 9 x 12 format with freshly engraved pages and updated content. Own the 21st Century version of the same series you have known and loved for years. Don't miss this opportunity to study and learn from the greatest theory books ever written. With 29 easy-to-follow lessons including self-quizzes with answer key, review exercises, and writing practice, this Level 1 Edition covers: The Staff, Lines, Spaces, Double Bar, Bass Staff, Grand Staff, Leger Lines, Note Spelling, Note Values, Rest Values, Dotted Notes, The Measure, Time Signatures, 4/4 Time, 3/4 Time, 2/4 Time, Note Stems, Sharps, Flats, Half Steps, Whole Steps, Major Scales, The Natural Sign, and Accidentals. Level 2, Level 3, and the Complete Edition are also available.