Paiste - PST X DJ's 45 12" Crash

Steve's Code: 41206
Barcode: 697643113930
By Paiste

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PSTX cymbals use specific layouts and varied sizes for the holes - their silky surface distinguishes the cymbals visually.


- Size: 12"

- Weight: Light

- Volume: Soft


- Sound Color: Medium

- Frequency Range: Medium

- Frequency Mix: Rough / Complex / Rich


- Stick Sound: Washy

- Response Intensity: Lively

- Sustain: Short

- Bell Character: Integrated

- Feel: Soft

Sound Character:

- Exotic, warm, trashy. Medium-wide range, complex mix. Quick response with short decay. Soft feel. Fast, explosive cymbal with dirty fizz for short, quick accents. Also well suited as exotic effect cymbal in larger setups.