PreSonus - BlueTube DP-V2

Steve's Code: 11920
Barcode: 673454001703


PreSonus’ popular Class A XMAX preamps are widely lauded for their clarity and transparency. Our tube preamps are beloved for their warm, smooth sound. With the Blue Tube DP V2 dual-path mic/instrument preamp, you get both types of high-quality sound in one unit.

No wonder the original BlueTube DP became a classic!

Now we’ve improved on the classic unit with the BlueTube DP V2. The solid-state path now feeds PreSonus’ top-of-the-line Class A XMAX™ mic preamplifier with 80 dB of variable gain—an upgrade from the original BlueTube DP’s solid-state stage.

The tube path features a 12AX7 tube that operates on voltages double that of other preamplifiers in its class, producing lots of headroom and big tone. We’ve done an assortment of other tweaks as well. The result: Our BlueTube DP V2 offers lower noise, more high-end clarity, and an even smoother tube sound than its predecessor.