Nomad - The Humitar - Instrument Case Humidifier - MN303

Steve's Code: 39632
By Nomad

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String instrument wood needs moisture to play and look its best. Dry wood can warp, shrink and worse yet, crack! MusicNomad, the leader in equipment care products, has developed an easy-to-use, no-mess and low-maintenance instrument case humidifier, The Humitar. It safely releases moisture evenly to eliminate these potential problems. Works great for acoustic guitars, electric guitars, semi-hollow guitars, mandolins, cellos and other large case instruments. Our innovative Humid-i-Bar sponge holds a lot more water than our competition. This means less monitoring on your end while resting assured your fine instrument is being cared for. Time to check the Humitar? Easy! Pop the top, touch the insert; if it’s wet leave it, if it’s dry, it’s time to rehydrate. Rehydrating is a cinch – simply remove the Humid-i-Bar sponge, soak it in distilled water and you’re back in action – easy, no mess and low maintenance.

- Long-Lasting, Low-Maintenance

- Re-Usable Sponge

- Anti-Drip, No-Mess Material

- Sponge Holds 10 X Its Weight in Water

- Case Holster with Strong Adhesive Backing Securely Holds Humitar

- Safely Releases Moisture

- Won’t Leak Regardless of Orientation of the Guitar and Case (Upright, Flat or on Its Side)