Epiphone - Hound Dog Deluxe Dobro – Round Neck

Steve's Code: 16078
Barcode: 711106316826


Hound Dog Deluxe Dobro - Round Neck

With its classic Dobro lines, fully bound, highly figured maple wood body, and classic single cone resonator/spider bridge construction, the Dobro Hound Dog Deluxe Roundneck is stunning in both appearance and tone. In addition to the bridges ebony saddle atop a maple base, the full, warm tone of the Hound Dog Deluxe Roundneck is enhanced and projected by a new proprietary Dobro cone and amplified via a Fishman resonator pickup. Combining classic construction with state-of-the-art electronics, the Hound Dog Deluxe Roundneck represents Gibson Originals deep respect for both the instruments history and the needs of todays players.