Promos & Rebates
All Brands
- Please select
- A.K.G.
- Ableton
- Access
- Acorn
- Adam
- Advance Music
- Aguilar Amplification
- Ahead
- Ahead Drumsticks
- Airturn
- Akai Professional
- Alabama
- Alesis
- Alfred Masterwork
- Alfred Music
- Allen & Heath
- Alpha
- AlphaTheta
- Alphonse Leduc
- Alto
- Alto Professional
- Alto-Pro (Orch Strings)
- Alvarez
- Alverez
- American DJ
- American Plating
- Ampeg
- Angel
- Antari
- Antelope
- Apogee Electronics
- Aquarian
- Aquila
- Arakoz
- Art & Lutherie
- Arturia
- Ashun Sound Machines ASM
- Aston
- Attack DrumHeads
- Audient
- Audio-Technica
- Audix
- Augustine
- Auralex
- Auratone
- Austrian Audio
- Avantone
- Avid
- Axis Percussion
- Bach
- Beat Buddy
- Beat Kangz Electronics
- BeaverCreek
- Berklee Press
- Beyer Dynamic
- Bigsby
- Black Arts Toneworks
- Black Lion Audio
- Black Mountain
- Blackstar
- Blue Microphones
- Boomwhackers
- Boss
- Boston Music Company
- Boucher
- Cable Lynx
- Cakewalk
- Casio
- CB Percussion
- Celestion
- Centerstream Publications
- Chant de mon pays
- Charvel
- Chauvet
- Cherry Lane Music
- Cherub
- Christian Morissette
- Cloud
- Conn-Selmer
- Conservatory Canada
- Contemporanea
- Cordoba
- Cort
- Craviotto
- Crown
- Crumar
- Cry Baby
- CryBaby
- Cymbolt
- Cympad
- D'Addario
- D'Addario Accessories
- D'Addario Strings
- D+185:244unlop
- D.B.X
- D.O.D
- Danelectro
- Danmar
- Darkglass
- De Haske
- Dean
- Dean Markley
- Death by Audio
- Deering
- Deering Banjo Company
- Denon DJ
- Dexibell
- Diago
- Digiflex
- DigiTech
- DiMarzio
- Dixon
- DR Handmade Strings
- Dr Scientist
- DR Strings
- Dream
- Dunlop
- Dunnett
- DW
- DW Drums
- Dynaudio
- E-Magic
- EarthQuaker Devices
- Easton
- EBow
- Edition Peters
- Electro-Harmonix
- Electro-Voice
- Elixir
- Elixir Strings
- Empirical Labs
- Empress
- EMUS Music
- Engl
- Epiphone
- Ernie Ball
- Essential Elements
- Evans
- Evans Drumheads
- Eventide
- Faber Music
- Faber Piano Adventures
- Fat Cat
- Fender
- Fender Custom Shop
- Fish Circuits
- Fishman
- FJH Music Company Inc. (The)
- Flix
- Focal
- Focusrite
- Fortin
- Fostex
- Furman
- FXpansion
- G. Henle Publishers
- G. Schirmer, Inc.
- G7th
- G7th The Capo Company
- Gator
- Gemini
- GHS Strings
- Gibraltar
- Gibson
- Gibson Custom Shop
- Gig Solutions
- Godin
- Godlyke
- Gold
- Gold Tone
- Golden Age Project
- Gon Bops
- GoPro
- Gorg
- Gotoh
- Graph Tech Guitar
- Graphtech
- Gretsch
- Groove Tubes
- Grover
- Gruv Gear
- Guerilla Guitars
- Guild
- Hafler
- Hagstrom
- Hal Leonard
- Hammond
- Hartke
- HeadHunters
- Headrush
- Hendrix Drums
- Herco
- Hercules
- Hercules Stands
- Heritage Audio
- Hetman
- Hidersine
- Hofner
- Hohner
- Hosa
- Hotone
- Hudson Music
- Humes & Berg
- Ibanez
- IK Multimedia
- Ilio
- ISP Technologies
- Jackson
- Jamey Aebersold Jazz
- Jasmine
- Jay Turser
- JHS Pedals
- Jim Dunlop
- JJ Electronics
- Joyo
- Jupiter
- K & M
- Kala
- Kali Audio
- Kalmus Edition
- Keeley
- Kemper
- Kickport
- King
- Kirlin
- KJOS Master Composer Library
- Kluson
- Korg
- Koss
- KRK Systems
- Kun
- Kyser
- L.R. Baggs
- Labella
- Latin Percussion
- Leblanc
- Lee Oskar
- Leem
- Levy's
- Line 6
- LIne6
- Littlite
- Los Cabos
- LP (Latin Percussion)
- Ludwig
- LudwigMasters
- Luna Guitars
- Luthier Music Corporation
- M-Audio
- Mackie
- Mahalo
- Mahalo Ukuleles
- Manhasset Specialty Company
- Manley
- Mano Percussion
- Mark Bass
- Marq
- Marshall
- Martin (C.F. Martin & Co.)
- Mayfair
- Mayfly
- Meason
- Meinl
- MelBay
- Menzel
- Menzel Violins
- Mesa/Boogie
- Mighty Bright
- Mike Balter
- Miktek
- Mission
- Modern Drummer Publications
- Mogami
- Mono
- Moog
- Morley
- Multiac
- Music Man
- Music Sales America
- Music8
- Musicians Institute Press
- Musili Inc.
- N/A
- Native Instruments
- Neil A. Kjos Music Company
- Neotech
- Neumann
- Neural
- Neutrik
- Noise-Eez
- Nomad
- Nord
- Norman
- not_found_value
- Novation
- Numark
- Oasis
- Odyssey
- Olinthus
- Omnibooks
- On-Stage
- Orange
- Ortega
- Oscar Schmidt
- Outlaw
- Ovation
- Overtone Labs
- Paiste
- Panyard
- Paul Reed Smith (PRS)
- PDP (Pacific Drums & Percussion) by DW
- Pearl
- Pearse
- Peavey
- PedalTrain
- Perri's
- Perri's Leather
- Peterson
- Phantom
- Pignose
- Pigtronix
- Ping
- Pioneer DJ
- Pirastro
- Planet
- Pork Pie Percussion
- Positive Grid
- Precision Hardware
- PreSonus
- Primacoustic
- Pro Co Sound
- Profile
- Promark
- PureSound
- Quik Lok
- Radial Engineering
- Rapco
- RB Percussion & Accessories
- RCM Publishing
- Real Books (The)
- Reloop
- Remo
- Reverend
- Rhythm Tech
- Rico
- Ricordi
- Roadie
- Roc'N Soc
- Rocktron
- Rode
- Rogers
- Roland
- Rotosound
- Royer
- Rubank Publications
- Ruby Tubes
- S.K.B.
- Sabian
- Samson
- Santorella Publications
- Savarez
- Schaller
- Schecter
- Scherl
- Schott Music
- Seagull
- Seiko
- Selmer
- Sennheiser
- Sequential
- Serato
- Seymour Duncan
- Shubb
- Shure
- Sigma
- Simon & Patrick
- Sinclair
- Singular Sound
- Sire
- Sire Bass Guitars
- SJC Drums
- Slug
- Snark
- Solutions
- Sonor
- Sony
- Soundbrenner
- Soundcraft
- SoundOff
- Source Audio
- Spectrasonics
- Squier
- Stageline
- Stedman
- Steinberg
- Stentor
- Sterisol
- Steve's Music Store
- Steve's Musirol+c Store
- stevesmusic-online
- Strap
- Strukture
- Strymon
- Summer School Electronics
- Supra
- Supro
- Suzuki
- Switchcraft
- Takamine
- Tama
- Tannoy
- Tascam
- Taylor
- Taylor Guitars
- Tech 21 NYC
- Ted Reed Publications
- Theodore Presser Company
- Thomastik
- Thomastik-Infeld
- Toca
- Tone King
- Tonebone
- Toontrack
- Tortex
- Tourte
- Trace Elliot
- TreeWorks Chimes
- Trick Drums
- Trophy
- Truth
- Tula
- Tung Sol
- Twisted Wood
- Two-Notes Audio Engineering
- Tycoon
- Ultra
- United
- Universal Audio
- Valencia Guitars
- Vandoren
- Vater
- Vic Firth
- Visual Sound
- Voodoo Lab
- Vox
- Waldorf Music
- Walrus Audio
- Walton
- Waltons
- Wampler
- Warm
- Warm Audio
- Washburn
- Way Huge by Dunlop
- WD Music
- Westbury
- Whirlwind
- Willis Music
- Wittner
- Wizdom Media
- Wylde Audio
- Xvive
- Yamaha
- Zildjian
- Zoom
- ZVex
- Steve's™
- Éditions Alphonse Leduc
- Éditions Durand
- Éditions Eschig
All Brands

We are very disappointed to have to warn of scam accounts impersonating our stores. We will only post links directly to Please note that Marshall speakers will NEVER be that cheap. This is a scam to steal credit card info. We ask all who are willing to please “report” any and all fake accounts so that they hopefully get taken down and no one gets scammed.
Please note these are our only social media accounts:
Facebook -
Instragram - @stevesmusic
Tiktok - @stevesmusic
Our Drumshop accounts:
Facebook -
Instragram - @stevesdrumshop
Tiktok - @stevesdrumshop
Our Bookstore accounts:
Facebook -
Instagram - @stevesmusicbookstore
Nous sommes très déçus d’avoir été alertés de comptes frauduleux se faisant passer pour nos boutiques. Nous publierons uniquement des liens directs vers Veuillez noter que les haut-parleurs Marshall ne seront JAMAIS aussi bon marché. Il s’agit d’une arnaque visant à voler des informations de carte bancaire. Nous demandons à tous ceux qui le souhaitent de bien vouloir signaler tout faux compte afin qu’il soit supprimé et que personne ne se fasse arnaquer.

Fender Custom Shop 1959 Stratocaster Journeyman Relic ‘Faded Aged Sage Green Metallic’ 🧙
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#fender #fenderguitar #fenderguitars #fenderstratocaster #fenderstrat #strat #stratocaster #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #guitarlife #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #sapphire #fendercustomshop #customshop #Music #Musician #sagegreen #musicstore #journeymanrelic #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #greenmetallic #green #faded #91817 #StevesMusic

ESP E-II Viper See Thru Black Cherry 🐍🍒
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#esp #espguitars #espeii #espviper #viper #seethru #guitargear #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #guitarlife #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #guitarposts #blackcherry #seethrublackcherry #Music #Musician #fenderstandardprecisionbass #musicstore #toronto #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #musicstore #redsparkle #stephencarpentersignature #84771 #StevesMusic

Yamaha FG9 RX Dreadnought Acoustic-Electric w/ Atmosphere Pickup 😮💨
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#yamaha #yamahaguitars #yamahafg9 #yamahaacoustic #acoustic #acousticguitar #atmospherepickup #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #guitarlife #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #dresdnought #montreal #customshop #Music #Musician #limitededition #musicstore #anniversary #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #fg9rx #naturalwood #indianrosewood #84474 #StevesMusic

Fender Custom Shop Limited Edition 70th Anniversary Stratocaster NOS Aged Bright Sapphire Metallic 💙
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#fender #fenderguitar #fenderguitars #fenderstratocaster #fenderstrat #strat #stratocaster #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #guitarlife #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #sapphire #fendercustomshop #customshop #Music #Musician #limitededition #musicstore #anniversary #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #70anniversary #blue #blueguitar #81888 #StevesMusic

PRS Guitars in stock now at Steves Music Downtown Montreal 😮
Guitares PRS en stock maintenant chez Steves Music Centre-ville de Montréal 😮
#prs #prsguitars #presguitar #paulreedsmith #guitaraddict #guitargear #prsguitarsusa #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #metal #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #guitarworld #guitarlove #PlayMusic #Music #Musician #guitaraddict #musicstore #paulreedsmithguitars #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #montreal #prsdisplay #downtownmontreal #StevesMusic

Digitech MonoNeon Signature Whammy Pedal ⚠️
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#digitech #whammy #whammypedal #guitarlife #guitaraddict #guitargear #mononeon #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #digitechwhammy #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #signature #guitarlove #PlayMusic #Music #Musician #digitechpedals #musicstore #mononeonbass #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #yellow #orange #84493 #StevesMusic

ESP LTD KH-V Kirk Hammett Signature Black Sparkle 🖤✨
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#esp #espguitar #espguitars #guitarlife #guitaraddict #guitargear #kirkhammett #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #metallicafamily #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #blacksparkle #guitarlove #PlayMusic #Music #Musician #metallica #musicstore #metallicafans #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #metallicaband #metallicaguitar #27184 #StevesMusic

Jackson Pro Series Randy Rhoads RRT5 Gloss Black 😮💨
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#jackson #jacksonusa #jacksonguitar #jacksonguitars #randyrhoads #jacksonpro #guitargear #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #guitarlife #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #guitarposts #ottawa #PlayMusic #Music #Musician #dollarddesormeaux #musicstore #jacksonproseries #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #musicstore #purpleguitar #yellowbevels #84194 #StevesMusic

Gretsch G9202 Honey Dipper Special Bell Bronze 🔥
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#gretsch #gretschguitars #gretschguitar #g9202 #gretschhoneydipper #roundneck #guitargear #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #guitarlife #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #guitarposts #padauk #honeydipper #Music #Musician #padaukfingerboard #musicstore #toronto #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #musicstore #bellbronze #newmodel #84439 #StevesMusic

ESP LTD SC-608 Baritone Signature Series Stephen Carpenter (Deftones) 8-String Red Sparkle 💥
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#esp #espguitars #espltd #sc608 #stephencarpenter #deftones #guitargear #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #guitarlife #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #guitarposts #deftonesband #baritone #Music #Musician #fenderstandardprecisionbass #musicstore #toronto #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #musicstore #redsparkle #stephencarpentersignature #92425 #StevesMusic

DW True-Cast Bronze 7x14” Snare 🤯
Édition Limitée - Only 100 models made!
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#dw #dwdrums #drumworkshop #truecast #dwtruecast #dwbronze #Drumming #MusicLover #montreal #bronze #dwsnare #bronzesnare #dwdrum #snareaddict #snare #DrumLover #Drumming #Drumshop #drum #drums #drummer #music #musician #Percussion #snaredrummer #drummersofinstagram #83867 #StevesMusic

Jackson X Series Randy Rhoads RRX24 Black w/ Yellow Bevels ⚠️
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#jackson #jacksonusa #jacksonguitar #jacksonguitars #randyrhoads #jacksonx #guitargear #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #guitarlife #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #guitarposts #ottawa #PlayMusic #Music #Musician #dollarddesormeaux #musicstore #blackandyellow #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #musicstore #purpleguitar #yellowbevels #84196 #StevesMusic
Fender Standard Stratocaster ‘Candy Cola’ 🎶
New Fender Standard Series Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#fender #fenderusa #fenderstandard #fenderstandardseries #strat #stratocaster #guitargear #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #guitarlife #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #guitarposts #standardstratocaster #standardtelecaster #Music #Musician #fenderstandardprecisionbass #musicstore #toronto #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #musicstore #candycola #newmodel #indonesia #StevesMusic

Fender Standard Series Available Now | Disponible Maintenant 🎸
#fender #fenderusa #fenderstandard #fenderstandardseries #strat #stratocaster #guitargear #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #guitarlife #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #guitarposts #standardstratocaster #standardtelecaster #Music #Musician #fenderstandardprecisionbass #musicstore #toronto #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #musicstore #purpleguitar #newmodel #indonesia #StevesMusic
Just Unboxed 📦‼️
DW Collectors Series 10/12/14/16/22/14x6.5” VLT 333 Sycamore Ziricote Inlay Limited Edition kit 🤯
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#dw #dwdrums #dwdrum #Snare #SnareDrum #DrumWorkshop #dwcollectors #sycamoreziricote #drum #dwlover #DrumSwag #SnareAddict #DrumLife #DrummersOfInstagram #drum #drummerlifestyle #drummerlife #DrumFam #Drumstagram #DrumsDaily #drumshop #drummerworld #Drums #Drummer #Music #Musician #Percussion #Instrument #83858 #StevesMusic

Jackson X Series Randy Rhoads RRX24 ‘Purple Metallic’ w/ Black Bevels 😈
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#jackson #jacksonusa #jacksonguitar #jacksonguitars #randyrhoads #jacksonx #guitargear #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #guitarlife #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #guitarposts #ottawa #PlayMusic #Music #Musician #dollarddesormeaux #musicstore #purplemetallic #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #musicstore #purpleguitar #toronto #32733 #StevesMusic

Fender Standard Stratocaster ‘Candy Cola’ 🍭🥤
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#fender #fenderstrat #fenderstratocaster #strat #stratocaster #standardstratocaster #guitargear #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #guitarlife #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #guitarposts #ottawa #PlayMusic #Music #Musician #dollarddesormeaux #musicstore #olympicwhite #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #musicstore #whiteguitar #maplefingerboard #84261 #StevesMusic

Honoured to have Mr.Jack White come by our Toronto store today! Have a great show tonight at @masseyhall 🤘
See you next time you’re in town!!
#stevesmusicstore #stevesmusicstoretoronto #whitestripes #masseyhall #masseyhalltoronto #toronto #canada

Fender Standard Stratocaster, Maple Fingerboard, ‘Olympic White’ 🏳️
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#fender #fenderstrat #fenderstratocaster #strat #stratocaster #standardstratocaster #guitargear #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #guitarlife #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #guitarposts #ottawa #PlayMusic #Music #Musician #dollarddesormeaux #musicstore #olympicwhite #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #musicstore #whiteguitar #maplefingerboard #84261 #StevesMusic

Fender American Professional II Stratocaster ‘3 Color Sunburst’ 🌅
Available Now at Steves Music Ottawa (280 Catherine)
#fender #fenderstrat #fenderstratocaster #fenderprofessionalii #fenderamericanprofessionalii #fenderap2 #guitargear #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #guitarlife #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #guitarposts #ottawa #PlayMusic #Music #Musician #musicstore #musicstore #ottawalife #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #ottawamusic #ottawamusicians #sunburst #12091 #StevesMusic

Some moving pictures of our Ottawa Locations new home at 280 Catherine st. 📦

Our buddy Phil is now officially our last client at the Rideau street Steve’s in Ottawa. Looking forward to seeing everyone at 280 Catherine Street 🤘
Notre ami Phil est officiellement notre dernier client chez Steve’s sur la rue Rideau à Ottawa. Nous avons hâte de tous vous voir au 280 rue Catherine 🤘

Tama Starclassic Walnut/Birch 10/12/14/16/22” Gloss Natural Tamo Ash 🤯⚜️
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#tama #tamadrum #tamadrums #tamastarclassic #starclassic #snare #Music #drum #Musician #Percussion #tamadrumsofficial #drumaddict #snaredrum #drumset #Drumming #Drumshop #DrumLife #DrummersOfInstagram #drummerworld #snaredrummer #DrumFam #Drumstagram #DrumsDaily #Drums #Drummer #Musician #Percussion #19466 #StevesMusic

MXR Rockman X100 Analog Tone Processor 🎛️
Précommander Maintenant | Preorder Now

Thats a wrap on @thenammshow 2025🤘
#namm #namm2025 #thenammshow

DW Collectors Series Horizontal Paduuk w/ Aluminum Center ply on display at @thenammshow 😮💨
Coming soon to @stevesdrumshop 👀
#namm #namm2025 #thenammshow #dw #dwdrums #stevesmusic

Some @thenammshow shots 📸🤘
#namm #namm2025 #thenammshow

Phenomenal packaging on these new colourful BOSS cables 🎨
Disponible en six couleurs inspirées des pédales BOSS iconiques!

EVH SA-126 Special QM Transparent Purple 😈
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#evh #evhguitars #evhguitar #evhgear #evhgearlive #evhsa126 #guitargear #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #guitarlife #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #guitarposts #transparentpurple #PlayMusic #Music #Musician #dollarddesormeaux #musicstore #evhwolfgang #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #evhead #purpleguitar #purple #49730 #StevesMusic

Gibson Gene Simmons G2 Thunderbird Silver Bass 💋
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#gibson #gibsonbass #kiss #kissband #genesimmons #genesimmonsbass #gibsonthunderbird #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #bassplayer #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #thunderbird #mahogany #PlayMusic #Music #Musician #toronto #musicstore #silver #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #montreal #bassaddict #20307 #StevesMusic

Fender 70e Anniversaire Ultra Stratocaster HSS ‘Amethyst’ 🔥
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#fender #fenderguitar #fenderguitars #fenderstratocaster #music #Instrument #MusicStore #MusicGear #fenderstrat #Montreal #Ottawa #Toronto #fenderultrastrat #fenderultrastratocaster #electricguitar #acousticguitar #stratocasters #70anniversary #guitarplayer #strat #shoplocal #guitarist #stratocaster #amethyst #guitarist #guitarplayer #fenderplayerseries #52322 #StevesMusic

New Ottawa location coming soon 🚨

Book Sale 📚

Wishing all of you the happiest of holidays and a healthy & prosperous new year!🎄
Our retail stores are closed on Dec. 25th. We re-open at 1pm on Dec 26th with the start of Boxing Week. See you all there!
Nous vous souhaitons à tous de joyeuses fêtes et une nouvelle année pleine de santé et de prospérité!🎄
Nos magasins sont fermés le 25 décembre. Nous rouvrirons à 13 heures le 26 décembre avec le début de la Boxing Week. Au plaisir de vous voir!

We are hiring at our Montreal store (St-Catherine Street) 🎙️🎧
Nous embauchons à notre magasin de Montréal (rue Sainte-Catherine) 🎧🎙️

Gibson Sonex-180 Custom early 1980s 🔥
Available at Steve’s Music DDO MTL
#gibson #gibsonguitars #used #usedguitars #music #Instrument #MusicStore #MusicGear #gibsonsonex180 #Montreal #Ottawa #Toronto #gibsoncustom #gibsoncustomshop #blackguitar #guitar #dollarddesormeaux #ddo #guitarplayer #westislandmontreal #previouslyowned #guitarist #usedguitar #guitarlover #guitarist #guitarplayer #sonex180 #95242 #StevesMusic

Today at Steve’s Toronto there is an exclusive giveaway of swag of the Bob Dylan biopic #acompleteunknown
Come down and check it out!!
@completeunknownfilm @bobdylan @searchlightpics @stevesmusicto
#stevesmusicstoretoronto #stevesmusicstore #searchlightpictures #bobdylan #bobdylanmovie #giveaway

Fender 70th Anniversary Vintera II Stratocaster Antigua 🔥
Available Now | Disponible Maintenant
#fender #fenderguitar #fenderguitars #fendervinteraii #music #Instrument #MusicStore #MusicGear #fenderstratocaster #Montreal #Ottawa #Toronto #strat #stratocaster #rosewood #guitar #vintera #fenderlover #guitarplayer #antigua #fender70 #guitarist #fendervintera #guitarlover #guitarist #guitarplayer #fenderplayerseries #52348 #stevesmusic

Holiday Hours | Horaires Des Fêtes 🎸🎄


We are going to be giving away one of our favorite new pedals on the market: @fishcircuits Model One 🔥
Comment and tag at least 1 friend below. We will randomly select a winner in 1 week!
Nous allons offrir l'une de nos nouvelles pédales préférées sur le marché : @fishcircuits Model One 🔥
Commentez et identiefiez au moins un ami ci-dessous, nous pigerons un gagnannt au hasard la semaine prochaine!
#giveaway #fishcircuits #madeinquebec #quebec #guitarpedal #guitarpedals #fishcircuitsmodelone #electricguitars #electricguitar #Guitarsofinstagram #guitarlife #guitarlover #guitarsdaily #guitarplayer #acouticguitar #PlayMusic #Music #Musician #orange #musicstore #guitarpedal #guitarist #Montreal #musicstores #music #acoustic #madeincanada #guitarpedals #18308 #StevesMusic

C'est toujours un plaisir de voir nos amis de @thisismonuments 🤘
Always fun to see our friends from @thisismonuments 🤘
#thisismonuments #monumnets #progressivemetal #montreal #djent #livemusic #mtl #guitar #tour #Musician #montrealevent #MusicGear #guitaramps #downpicking #mtlband #mtlcity #guitarlover #shoplocal #tourlife #montrealmusic #mtllife #live #guitarist #drums #metal #heavymetal #musicstore #montrealcity #StevesMusic

C'est toujours un plaisir de voir notre ami @carlos_araya73 de @anonymusmetal1 🤘
Always fun to see our buddy @carlos_araya73 from @anonymusmetal1 🤘
#anonymus #montrealperformer #mucisian #montreal #anonymusmontreal #livemusic #mtl #guitar #tour #Musician #drummerlife #MusicGear #guitaramps #thrashmetal #mtlband #mtlcity #guitarlover #shoplocal #tourlife #montrealmusic #mtllife #live #guitarist #drums #metal #heavymetal #musicstore #montrealcity #StevesMusic

Always fun to see our boys from @despisedicon 🤘
Catch them at @mtelusmontreal on stage at 9pm tonight.
Toujours amusant de voir nos amis de @despisedicon 🤘
Retrouvez-les à @mtelusmontreal sur scène à 21h ce soir.
#despisedicon #montrealperformer #mucisian #montreal #performer #livemusic #mtl #guitar #tour #Musician #drummerlife #MusicGear #guitaramps #rocknroll #mtlphoto #mtlcity #guitarlover #shoplocal #tourlife #montrealmusic #mtllife #live #guitarist #drums #rockandroll #mtl #musicstore #montrealcity #StevesMusic

RIP Gary Rossington of Lynyrd Skynyrd ☹️

RIP David Crosby 😞
Une autre légende musicale… 😞

RIP Robbie Bachman Canadian LEGEND

Jeff Beck #RIP


Our buddy @nick_folio stopped by before rippin’ it at @clubsodamtl with his band @badomensofficial 🤘
Notre ami @nick_folio est passé au magasin avant son spectacle @clubsodamtl avec son groupe @badomensofficial 🤘
#band #montrealperformer #badomens #vicfirth #badomensband #livemusic #mtl #metal #tour #Musician #drummerlife #MusicGear #guitaramps #zildjianfamily #mtlphoto #mtlcity #DrumLife #badomensofficial #tourlife #clubsoda #mtllife #badomensfamily #drummer #drums #mtlblogger #mtl #musicstore #montrealcity #zildjian #StevesMusic

Extremely sad to hear about Fleetwood Mac’s Christine McVie (1943-2022) 😔
Extrêmement triste d'apprendre le décès de Christine McVie (1943-2022) du groupe Fleetwood Mac 😔

Don’t be fooled by its size! Ne vous laissez pas berner par sa taille!
@fender Rumble 15 V3!
$139 CDN, En Stock!
#Fender #FenderAmp #FenderRumble #rumble15v3 #Guitar #guitaramp #Music #Musician #Instrument #Speaker #Loud #Compact #InStock #Montreal #Ottawa #Toronto #dollarddesormeaux #southshoremontreal #downtownmontreal #8619 #StevesMusic

*USED/USAGER*: SERIES A EL 3SC Red! $199 Canadian!
#Guitar #ElectricGuitar #SeriesA #Red #Montreal #Used #dollarddesormeaux #Music #Musician #Sale #Strings #StevesMusic

Ibanez RGA42 HP Sea Foam Green Matte 😧
neck type : Wizard IIIRoasted Maple neck
top/back/body: Nyatoh body
fretboard: Jatoba fretboardOff-set white dot inlay
fret: Jumbo frets
number of frets: 24
bridge : F106 bridge
string space: 10.5mm
neck pickup: DiMarzio® Fusion Edge (H) neck pickupPassive/Ceramic
bridge pickup: DiMarzio® Fusion Edge (H) bridge pickupPassive/Ceramic
factory tuning: 1E,2B,3G,4D,5A,6E
strings: D'Addario® EXL110
string gauge: .010/.013/.017/.026/.036/.046
hardware color: Gol
#Guitar #ElectricGuitar #Ibanez #ibanezrga #seafoamgreenmatte #Montreal #Toronto #Ontario #InStock #DollarsDesOrmeaux #Music #Musician #MusicGear #Strings #Wizard #JumboFrets #7130 #StevesMusic

@dwdrums Design Series 10/12/16/22/14 snare!! 🤤
#Drum #Drummer #DW #DWDrums #DesignSeries #Percussion #Maple #ShellKit #Instrument #InStock #Montreal #Quebec #DollardDesOrmeaux #37092 #StevesMusic

Did you know that Strymon Pedals, including the Big Sky are easily integrated into any keyboard set up?!
Saviez-vous que les pédales Strymon, incluant la Big Sky peuvent facilement être utilisés avec n'importe quel set up de clavier?
#stevesmusic #musicstore #magasindemusique #music #musique #montreal #toronto #ottawa #greenfieldpark #dollarddesormeaux #strymon #guitarpedals #keyboardpedals #guitareffects #keyboardeffects #8164

A treat for your eyes and ears!!! Come check out the @officialgretsch G6136T White Falcon Player Edition.
Du bonbon pour les yeux tout comme les oreilles!!! Venez voir la Gretsch G6136T White Falcon Players Edition.
#stevesmusic #musicstore #magasindemusique #music #musique #montreal #toronto #ottawa #greenfieldpark #dollarddesormeaux #guitar #guitare #electricguitar #guitareelectrique #gretsch #whitefalcon #hollowbodyguitar #hollowbody #rockabilly #amplifier #guitaramplifier #supro #suproamps

@dwdrums Performance Series 10/12/16/22 White Marine! 🤤
#DW #DWDrums #Music #Drum #Drummer #Musician #Percussion #Performance #Elite #WhiteMarine #BoxingDay #ShellKit #Instrument #inStock #DrumSet #4761 #StevesMusic

Did you know that you can now reserve products for in-store pickup? Simply select your store and click "Add to cart"!
Saviez-vous que vous pouvez maintenant réserver des produits pour le ramassage en magasin? Sélectionnez simplement votre succursale et cliquez sur « Ajouter»!
#StevesMusic #Music #Musician #Online #Curbside #Pickup #shoplocalonline #Guitar #Bass #Keyboard #Acoustic #Drums #Percussion #DJ #Mixer #SoundEngineering #Studio #Strings #Accessories #MusicGear