Avid - ILok III 216159

Steve's Code: 65171
Barcode: 858823002028
By Avid

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This item is not currently in stock but is available for purchase. You can contact our Internet sales department at support@stevesmusic.com for inquiries about expected delivery dates.


Store up to 1,500 software and plug-in authorizations on a single iLok

Get better security with the robust aluminum casing and ultra-strong security loop

Save space with the smaller, slimmer design—now just 1.5 x .5 inches (3.8 x 1.3 cm)

Add and transfer licenses with a simple drag and drop using iLok License Manager

Easily move software authorizations from one computer to another

Verify that your iLok is connected through the glowing blue indicator light

Never have to reauthorize software due to hardware or software upgrades or crashes

Get backward compatibility with all iLok 2-compatible software

System Requirements

Computer running Mac OS X 10.7 or higher, or Windows 7 or higher, to use iLok License Manager

Available USB port

iLok account (create a free account)

License(s) for the iLok-protected software you want to use

Software that is iLok-protected


iLok (third generation)