Bongo Drumming: Beyond the Basics (Book + Online Audio)

$22.95 $27.00
Steve's Code: MB97851M
By MelBay

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by Trevor Salloum

The popularity of The Bongo Book in addition to the high demand for resources on bongos prompted this second and more advanced book on bongo drumming. This follow-up reveals that the passion for the bongos is as great now as it was in the 1960's. Now, two more generations are discovering the joy of bongo drumming. What was lacking in the three decades were resources, a network and teaching material to guide students and hobbyists in the exploration of this fascinating instrument. The advent of the Internet with its web sites, newsgroups, and faster communication along with the flame and revival of bongo mania. Bongo Drumming is simply another step in the educational development of the bongos and an attempt to increase the awareness of this seemingly simple, yet immensely complex instrument. Includes access to extensive online audio.