Kemper Profiling Amplifier - white

Steve's Code: 9548
By Kemper

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The Kemper Profiling Amplifier is an entirely new and groundbreaking concept for guitar amplification using digital technology. We believe that every guitar player should be able to transfer his personal signature sound into a single lunchbox-format amplifier.

The Kemper Profiling Amplifier digitally captures the sonic fingerprint of virtually any guitar amp. The days of struggling to reproduce that magic mic position in front of the speaker cabinet are over. Now you can have a profile for every combination of tones and settings your tube amp setup provides. The Kemper Profiling Amplifier offers a convenient and accurate A/B comparison mode so you can be sure that all your profiles are just like the original amp. If you have used some great-sounding, well-maintained vintage tube amps in the studio, you can create profiles from these amps to use anywhere you like, at any time. Profiles can be spiced up with the Kemper Profiling Amplifier‘s included professional quality effects; you can save variations with alternative amp settings, and you can exchange the cabinet simulation within a Profile at any time.

Do you plan on touring? Simply dial up your Profiles from the studio session when you play live. Instead of having to risk bringing a truckload of rare and fragile vintage amps to the gig to get your sound, now you can profile your amps before the tour, and just bring the Kemper Profiling Amplifier with you on the road! The Kemper Profiling Amplifier gives you what generations of guitar players have been waiting for: the ability to have your sound anytime, anywhere.

Your Kemper Amps Team