Sonor - AQ2 Martini 4-piece Shell Set White Marine Pearl

Steve's Code: 11881
Barcode: 829193503392
By Sonor

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With the AQ2 Series drums you can sound like the pros. All maple shells and our new SmartMount facilitate this.

We offer five standard configurations to start with, all featuring our popular 7-ply all maple shell construction (4 plies of Canadian maple, 3 plies of Chinese maple). The drums share fittings and finishes, offering the flexibility to mix and match within the whole AQ2 Series.

The AQ2 Series drums come with newly designed shell hardware and a new tom mounting system: the SmartMount. This minimalistic yet functional mount has the true German design and engineering spirit inside: optimal sound sustain with a minimal amount of hardware on the drum shell.

Bass Drum 14" x 13"
Snare Drum 12" x 5"
Tom Tom 8" x 7"
Floor Tom 13" x 12"
Cymbal Tom Holder

** Hardware and cymbals not included. Each sold separately. **