Zoom - B1xFour

Steve's Code: 15563
Barcode: 4515260020713
By Zoom

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The B1X FOUR take your low-end to new heights with over 70 effects and amp models, looper and a built-in rhythm section. Plus, access Zoom Guitar Lab’s additional library of downloadable effects.

● B1X FOUR offers over 70 built-in effects

● 9 amp models for simulating classic rigs

● Up to 5 effects can be used simultaneously, chained together in any order

● Built-in expression pedal for control over any parameter (B1X FOUR only)

● Looper for recording up to 30 seconds / 64 beats of CD-quality audio

● Zoom Guitar Lab software for creating, editing and managing effects and patches

● 68 built-in rhythm patterns which can be used in conjunction with the Looper

● 50 memory locations for storing user-created patches

● Auto Save function for automatic saving of all patch parameters

● PRESELECT function allows silent patch selection while the current patch remains operational

● Onboard chromatic tuner

● Input jack accepts standard mono bass guitar cable (both active and passive instruments supported)

● Auxiliary input jack for connection of personal music players

● Output jack for connection to amp or headphones

● Lightweight and small enough to fit in your gig bag

● Easily integrated into any existing pedal board

● Runs on 4 AA batteries, with alkaline battery life of 18 hours

● USB port for firmware updates, power and connection to Zoom Guitar Lab